Blasting Systems for Compressed Gas Cylinders
Blasting systems for compressed gas cylinders
Cylinder blasting systems are used for descaling and derusting compressed gas and breathing air cylinders.
We offer various solutions depending on the type of workpiece:
● Blasting systems for cylinders with manual handling
● Blasting systems for cylinders with robot handling
● Blasting systems for breathing air cylinders
I. Blasting systems for cylinders with manual handling
For low throughputs, the cylinders are loaded and unloaded manually or using a manipulator. Depending on the required throughput, 1 to 6 cylinders can be processed simultaneously. Problast® closed-circuit blasting systems are generally used as power packs.
II. Blasting systems for cylinders with robot handling
Robots with special grippers are used to minimize handling and therefore cycle times. Depending on the cylinder size and blasting duration, up to 12 blasting stations can be loaded and unloaded with one robot without waiting times.
III. Blasting systems for breathing air cylinders
Breathing air cylinders must be cleaned regularly (= freed from corrosion). Both automated and manual cabin variants are available for this purpose.
Which type of blast media?